Package name format: PkgName-MajorVersion.MinorVersion-PkgVersion
for example: ogtkstring-1.2-4
A new package release should change its major version number when it is no longer compatable with a previous release. If a package release is compatable with a previous version it should change only it's minor release.
For a package to be compatable with a previous release it must not:
When a new major version is released it should not conflict with a previous release's namespace. This will allow several Major Versions of a package to be installed on a machine.
For this reason the following VI naming prefix should be used: PkgName-MajorVersion
for example: ogtkstring-1 Trim
*For long-name support, VIs should be kept distributed inside LLBs until LabVIEW is no longer suported on Mac OS 9.