OGPM - Package Installer
When a package is to be installed, it is important to define its dependancy
tree. For this to be possible, the dependandancies of a package's dependacies
must also be known. This can be overcome in a few different ways:
A package can simply include its entire dependancy tree in its spec file. This
is merely a snapshot of the
Installation Stack Method - Note if dependancy tree has been mapped, everything
may be downloaded first
- Read Package Spec File
- check For Package Dependancies
- If dependancy exists
- put current package install on top of the to-install stack
- obtain and install all dependancies
- Check for package conflicts
- If conflict exists:
- Put current package install on top of the to-do stack
- Uninstall all conflicts
- Copy package into local repository (<OGPM>:\_repository)
- Copy package spec file to installed package database (<OGPM>:\_db)
- Copy package image file to installed package database (<OGPM>:\_db)
- Install Package with OGPI Ininstaller